Rheumatology Clinical Study

How to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatology Clinical Study

Do you suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis? It is a painful condition that can affect many areas of your life. If you are suffering from this condition and want a new way to treat it, we want to hear from you! Millennium Clinical Trials is currently enrolling people for a Rheumatology Clinical Study, and you may be a perfect fit. Keep reading to learn more about treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis and how a Rheumatology Clinical Study may be the answer you need.

Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis, or RA, is an autoimmune and inflammatory disease, which means that your immune system attacks healthy cells in your body by mistake, causing inflammation (painful swelling) in the affected parts of the body. RA mainly attacks the joints, usually many joints at once. RA commonly affects joints in the hands, wrists, and knees. In a joint with RA, the lining of the joint becomes inflamed, causing damage to joint tissue. This tissue damage can cause long-lasting or chronic pain, unsteadiness (lack of balance), and deformity (misshapenness). RA can also affect other parts of the body and cause problems in organs such as the lungs, heart, and eyes.

Available Rheumatoid Arthiris Treatments

There are many different types of treatments for RA. Depending on your needs, lifestyle, and goals, there may be one that works better than the other. Treatment for RA focuses on the following:
  • Reduce pain and stiffness
  • Slow or stop the progression of the disease
  • Prevent joint damage
  • Improve physical function so you can perform normal daily activities
  • Relieve fatigue and weakness
Most treatments involve corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory medication, analgesics, and physical therapy.

Sign Up for the Rheumatology Clinical Study

If you have been suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis and want a new way to treat it, our Rheumatology Clinical Study may be perfect for you. We are studying a brand-new investigational medication for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other autoimmune disorders. It is comprised of the latest, most cutting-edge research and technology surrounding these disorders and participants in our clinical trial will get exclusive access to it. Benefits of becoming a participant in this study include:
  • Free medical consultation
  • Free medical exam - absolutely no medical insurance is required to join
  • Complimentary lab reports and/or MRI’s
  • Free study-related medications
  • Compensation for your time and travel in the study
If you want the opportunity to improve your RA symptoms with brand new investigational treatment, we want to hear from you. Simply give us a call at (805) 307-7438 or click here to fill out a short contact information form so that we can reach out to you. You will pre-qualify over the phone and the road to becoming a participant is quick and easy. For more information or to see a list of other clinical studies we are currently enrolling for, visit us at MilleniumClinicalTrials.com!
Treat Weight Gain: Obesity Clinical Trial in Thousand Oaks

How to Treat Weight Gain: Obesity Clinical Trial in Thousand Oaks

Get Help With Our Obesity Clinical Trial in Thousand Oaks

If you are suffering from obesity and find it difficult to lose weight, you are not alone. Modern medicine is advancing rapidly with treatment surrounding weight loss and obesity. Obesity can cause a host of health issues and can be treated. If you’re ready to lose weight while getting paid for your time and travel, we are looking for you! Keep reading to learn how to become part of the Obesity Clinical Trial in Thousand Oaks and become part of science history.

Am I Obese? Do I Qualify?

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. A body mass index (BMI) over 25 is considered overweight, and over 30 is obese. The issue has grown to epidemic proportions, with over 4 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese in 2017, according to the global burden of disease.
  • Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke, which are the leading causes of death worldwide.
  • Being overweight can also lead to diabetes and its associated conditions, including blindness, limb amputations, and the need for dialysis.
  • Carrying excess weight can lead to musculoskeletal disorders, including osteoarthritis.
  • Obesity is also associated with some cancers, including endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidney and colon. The risk of these noncommunicable diseases increases even when a person is only slightly overweight and grows more serious as the body mass index (BMI) climbs.
Want to know if you qualify for the Obesity Clinical Study in Thousand Oaks? All you have to do is click here to fill out a short contact form or call 805-307-7438 to pre-qualify over the phone. If you pre-qualify, you will be asked to come to our office for a free medical exam to further determine your eligibility for the study.

What is the Obesity Clinical Trial in Thousand Oaks?

This clinical trial is a short-term trial. Participants will take a promising new drug designed to treat and improve your health. This study is closely monitored, and participants receive many benefits, including:
  • Free Professional Consultation
  • Free Medical Exam
  • Free Lab Reports, MRIs or FibroScans
  • Free Advanced Study-Focused Medications
  • Compensation of up to $7,000

Who Conducts the Clinical Trial?

This clinical study is being conducted by Millenium Clinical Trials in Thousand Oaks, CA. Our 2,800+ square-foot facility features a wealth of experience in Phase II through Phase IV trials, as well as a team of dedicated medical investigators who have worked with thousands of patients. Your safety, confidentiality, and trust are at the forefront of each and every study we conduct. All of our clinical studies are:
  • FDA-Governed
  • Overseen by Central Ethics Committee
  • HIPAA Compliant
  • Full Confidentiality
  • Guaranteed Compensation
For more information or a list of other clinical trials we are currently conducting, visit us at MilleniumClinicalTrials.com!
High Triglyceride Clinical Study

High Triglyceride Clinical Study

Severe Hypertriglyceridemia? Join Our Study

If you have elevated triglycerides, we are looking for you! Millennium Clinical Trials is currently seeking participants for our High Triglyceride Clinical Study. In this study, you can earn extra cash, receive free promising treatments, and advance the medical science surrounding this condition. Keep reading to learn more about the High Triglyceride Clinical Study, how to qualify, and how to become a participant today.

What is the High Triglyceride Clinical Study?

Hypertriglyceridemia is a common condition characterized by high levels of triglycerides, a type of fat, in the bloodstream. Individuals with severe hypertriglyceridemia (SHTG) have triglyceride levels more than three times the normal level. SHTG can lead to multiple serious conditions, including cardiovascular disease (CVD) and acute pancreatitis. There are 4 phases of biomedical clinical trials:
  • Phase I studies usually test new drugs for the first time in a small group of people to evaluate a safe dosage range and identify side effects.
  • Phase II studies test treatments that have been found to be safe in Phase I but now need a larger group of human subjects to monitor for any adverse effects.
  • Phase III studies are conducted on larger populations and in different regions and countries and are often the step right before a new treatment is approved.
  • Phase IV studies take place after country approval, and there is a need for further testing in a wide population over a longer timeframe.
In this High Triglyceride Clinical Study, we are investigating a new medication called Pegozafermin. So far, the study has concluded Phases 1 and 2 with positive results in helping process fats and sugars better and lead to lower triglyceride levels. If you’re ready to gain access to this cutting-edge treatment, we’re looking for you!

Who Can Join the High Triglyceride Clinical Study?

If you have been diagnosed with Severe Hypertriglyceridemia (SHTG), you may qualify to enroll in this study. To find out if you qualify for the study, give us a call at (805) 307-7438 or click here to fill out a short contact form. We will chat with you to screen you over the phone and will invite you to our clinic for a complimentary medical exam to determine your eligibility. If you meet all the guidelines of the study, you will be asked to participate.

Who is Conducting the Study?

The High Triglyceride Clinical Study is being conducted by Millenium Clinical Trials. This study is FDA-governed, overseen by a central ethics committee, is HIPAA compliant, and offers full confidentiality. Millennium Clinical Trials is located in Thousand Oaks, California. Our 2,800+ square foot facility offers experienced investigators, knowledgeable support personnel, and years of experience. Our Team unites a proven staff with training in FDA regulations, GCP, and ICH, and have a strong commitment to excellence. For more information on this and other paid clinical studies that are currently accepting participants through our clinic, visit us at MilleniumClinicalTrials.com!
UTI Vaccine Clinical Study Happening Now

Get Paid to Try The UTI Vaccine

UTI Vaccine Clinical Study Happening Now

If you have ever had a UTI, you understand how painful and debilitating it can be. UTIs are extremely painful, can derail your life, and can cause emotional turmoil. Luckily, there is a new way to treat UTIs by preventing them from happening in the first place, and you can be part of an exclusive group to get access to this vaccine. Keep reading to learn more about the UTI Vaccine Clinical Study happening now in Ventura County!

How Does the UTI Vaccine Work?

UTIs are common infections that happen when bacteria, often from the skin or rectum, enter the urethra and infect the urinary tract. The infections can affect several parts of the urinary tract, but the most common type is a bladder infection (cystitis). Risk factors include:
  • A previous UTI
  • Sexual activity
  • Changes in the bacteria that live inside the vagina, or vaginal flora. For example, menopause or the use of spermicides can cause these bacterial changes.
  • Pregnancy
  • Age (older adults and young children are more likely to get UTIs)
  • Structural problems in the urinary tract, such as enlarged prostate
  • Poor hygiene, for example, in children who are potty-training
Symptoms include:
  • Pain or burning while urinating
  • Frequent urination
  • Feeling the need to urinate despite having an empty bladder
  • Bloody urine
  • Pressure or cramping in the groin or lower abdomen
Our UTI Vaccine Clinical Study is taking place to assess the efficacy and safety of an investigational vaccine in the prevention of bloodstream infection caused by Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria. Now, you can earn extra cash while potentially never getting another UTI again, while also advancing medical science and research.

What is Required of Participants?

In order to become a participant, we ask that you follow follow these easy steps:
  1. Let us know you’d like to sign up by clicking here and providing us with your contact information
  2. We will conduct a free consultation and initial screening call with you
  3. We may invite you to our clinic for a free health exam to further determine your eligibility
  4. If you meet all the guidelines of the study, you will be asked to participate!
  5. You will be placed into a group and monitored for safety and treatment

Participant Benefits

Advancing medical science, earning extra cash, and potentially never having to put up with another UTI again aren’t the only benefits that the participants in this study will receive. Other benefits include:
  • Free Professional Consultation
  • Free Medical Exam
  • Free Lab Reports
  • Free, Highly Promising UTI vaccines
  • Generous Compensation of up to $7,000
This study is being conducted by Millenium Clinical Trials, which offers a 2,800+-square foot facility in Thousand Oaks, California, experienced investigators, and knowledgeable support personnel. We also offer the following safety measures:
  • FDA-Governed Studies
  • Oversight by Central Ethics Committee
  • HIPAA-Compliance
  • Full Confidentiality
For more information on our clinic or to see a list of other studies that are currently enrolling, visit us at MilleniumClinicalTrials.com!